Tuesday, March 29, 2011


House of the Rising Sun. The Animals. One of my favorite songs, ever. It's truly amazing what one song can do for your mood. And being the moody fuck that I am, I'm very grateful to be listening to this right now. If just one song can drastically change a person's mood, I wonder what else the human brain is capable of. Psychology major here I come.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Sunday is the most difficult day of the week for me. After going out on Friday and Saturday nights, my body aches, my mind is blank, and all I want to do is eat chipotle and watch tv. However, being the procrastinator that I am, I usually leave all my work for Sunday. Big mistake. I'm not in the right mindset to be focusing on anything other than the food in front of my face or the bright, colored images on a television. Not to mention the fact that I sleep until at least 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and then spend another hour or so trying to get my sluggish body into the shower. So, that leaves me approximately eight hours of time to do homework. Now, that may sound like a lot of time, but it isn't. I somehow manage to put off my work so that I'm never done until midnight. Discipline, anyone?

Why is it still cold?

I need warmth. I thought that I'd be able to manage the weather up here in beautiful Saratoga Springs, but I was wrong. I can slowly feel all the heat draining out of me; all I'm asking for is shorts and t-shit weather! I want to stroll around in my incredibly comfortable reef flip flops and wear uncharacteristically baggy cargo shorts! Fuck! A little sunshine wouldn't hurt, either. It's been so gray around here that after a while I'm gonna wake up in the morning, look out the window and think to myself, "this is the day I'm gonna slit my wrists to see color."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bad Mood

How do you cure a bad mood? For me, the answer is surprising and surprisingly simple: do homework. Yes, it may seem impossible, but it is true. For me, the only way to truly rid myself of a bad mood is to do my school work. Allow me to explain further. I need to occupy my mind with meaningless, irrelevant information, so that I can't focus on all the bad thoughts and feelings swimming around in my head. When I'm in a bad mood, I usually have thoughts of an insidious nature which only worsen my condition. Every thought is negative in nature; it becomes a rather vicious cycle in which nothing positive is ever created. So, how do I fix such a dilemma? I shove a raccoon into the proverbial turbines that are my mind. I literally force myself to focus on boring things, so that the bad thoughts simply vanish. I find it strange, yet completely logical and practical.

Monday, February 7, 2011

So about ten minutes ago, I was sitting at my desk, trying to find ways to procrastinate, as usual. I decided to open up my blog and read it over. I was not content, to say the least. What on earth compelled me to complain about my life? Life is good! I am privileged enough to go to an excellent liberal arts school, I have great friends, and I'm doing well academically. Talk about seeing things in retrospect, eh?