Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grrr! Time to Vent.

Doesn't anyone ever get tired of partying? Doesn't anyone ever notice that most people (roughly ages 15 and onward) do the same exact thing every weekend? My life has been fairly regimented since the beginning of high school. It goes as follows: work during the week and then get drunk on the weekend. But not just drunk, totally smashed would be the more accurate description. And it never seems to get old. I've personally been sick of this routine since the middle of high school, yet the drive to party continues to hold strong in most college students. And there's truly no escaping it. I can say from experience that all of my friends still love to get "absolutely twisted" (as one of them would say), which traps me into this unhealthy pattern as well. The only alternative to this lifestyle becomes, sadly, staying in by yourself. Which, according to the invisible yet almighty social laws set forth by my peers, is considered sheer blasphemy. Choosing sobriety, sadly, now has the potential to kill your social life. Even if you manage to find friends who share the same desire to avoid substances, even for just one weekend, then your sex life too may dwindle. Unless you're in some sort of relationship, there aren't many opportunities to hook-up whilst sober. And I'm not saying I don't enjoy getting drunk or the random hook-up; I frequently partake in both activities. I just want to live a life of moderation so I don't lose all my creativity or personality.


  1. your not alone, perhaps take a chance and find something fun and interesting to do and id be the first to blow off your standard weekend party. Get creative, theres always something to do, you just gota figure out what it is.

  2. I think it's great that you're aware and that you're making new choices. New opportunities usually follow those new choices although not always as quickly as we might wish.
